Skeleton Editing tools

Import Mesh and Texture: Crab the model and texture into Browser

FBX import Options:
Skeletal Mesh: turn off
Combine Meshes: If you have many separate mesh, you could turn on
Skeletal Mesh Editing Tools

Static Mesh converts to Skeletal Mesh
Select Static Mesh > right click mouse > Convert to Skeletal Mesh

Default: Skeleton import : create New

Double Click: Skeleton Mesh


Add Bones
Click Skeleton > Edit Skeleton
View: Front View/ Right view / Perspective
Option 1:
Action: Add (add bones)

Option 2:
Click +

Start to add bones: Spine, head, arm, leg
Important: spine bones (middle bones) the location X = 0 , Later to mirror to use

Make sure to rename the bones
Select each bones and rename it.
Option1: Details > name
Option2: Select bone and click F2 to rename

If the bone position is wrong, select the bone and press W to move
When you select the bone and press E. Bone Orient does not correct, like the image.
Auto Orient turn on > Click Orient


Due to try to mirror the bones, but it can’t get the right name.
Here, it change the left side bones name.
L_Clavicle -> Clavicle_L
L_Shoulder -> Shoulder_L
L_Elbow -> Elbow_L
L_Hand -> Hand_L

After left bones naming, go to Action and click Edit
Mirror > Options
Left string and Right string to key your left/right name
Mirror Axis: X
Select L_Clavicle, and click Mirror to get the right

View Axis
Change Axis Length to view Axis

After Editing, Click accept

Click Skin > Bind Skin
Max influences: how many bones to influences the vertex.
After bind skin, go to Edit weight
Select the bone to know the skin weight. White: influenct weight, Black: no influenct weight
If you want to change the weight color, Min/Max color change the color which you like.

Weight Editing Mode: Brush
Shift: Smooth
B:Brush size and Brush strength
B+ drag left & right: Radius of the brush
B+ drag up & down: strength of the brush

Weight Editing Mode: Vertices

After Left side weight painting done, select the left side vertex and click mirror.

Go to Skeleton to check the weight influence.
Option 1 : Go to right top to click the skeleton button

Option 2: Go to browsers to open the skeleton

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